
Summer Hair Care Routine Tips: 9 Must-Follow Steps to Revitalize Your Hair

Ah, summer—the season of sun-kissed days, carefree adventures, and, of course, glorious hair. As the temperature rises, it's time to dive into the realm of summer hair care and discover the captivating tips and tricks that will ensure your locks shine with radiance all season long.

From hydrating elixirs to sun protection spells, and heatless styling sorcery to nourishing rituals, we've gathered nine enchanting hair care routine tips that will leave you spellbound by the beauty of your hair. So, embrace the magic of summer and let's unravel the secrets to achieving truly stunning hair that will turn heads wherever you go.

Let's take a look how to tackle summer hair problems with these easy summer hair care tips:

1. Prioritize Hydration

2. Protect your Hair from the Sun

3. Embrace Deep Conditioning Treatments

4. Emphasize Heat-Free Styling

5. Gentle Detangling with Wide-Toothed Combs

6. Shield Your Hair from Saltwater and Chlorine

7. Avoid Chemical Treatments

8. Nourish Your Hair from Within

9. Relaxing Scalp Massages

1. Prioritize Hydration

Proper hydration is a crucial aspect of hair care, particularly during the summer months. Ensuring proper hydration is crucial not only for your overall well-being but also for maintaining healthy and nourished hair.

By drinking an ample amount of water, you ensure that your body and hair are hydrated from within. This internal hydration reflects on the external appearance of your hair, keeping it healthy, lustrous, and less prone to dryness and brittleness. Furthermore, integrating moisturizing hair products into your daily regimen can offer an additional surge of hydration.

Look for products containing ingredients like aloe vera, glycerin, or hyaluronic acid, as they have hydrating properties that help lock in moisture, prevent moisture loss, and protect your hair from becoming dry and brittle.

2. Protect your Hair from the Sun

Sun Protection For Hair Care

When we think about sun protection, we often focus on our skin and forget about our hair. Nevertheless, excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can have detrimental effects on your hair, causing color fading and weakening the hair shafts. To shield your hair from the sun, it is crucial to take preventive measures.

Try to protect your hair by using:

Hair sunscreen

Many of you use a suitable and favourite broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from sun rays. But do you know? our hair also needs a sun protectant formula.

You can find various specialized sun protection formulas prepared for hair. It can be in the form of protection sprays or sunscreen serums. Such products not only protect your hair from the sun but tackle the problem of frizzy hair.

Hats and Scarves

Hats and scarves are two of the best summer hair accessories. These act as shields for hair and hinder direct contact between sun and hair. Scarves of cotton fabric are the best for summer. In case of hats, flatten crowns or high crown hats would be the best choice.

However, wearing hats for a long time can make the scalp hot and hair greasy. Therefore, one must choose hats with soft material and avoid wearing them when walking or sitting under the shade.

These ways can provide your hair with the required sun protection and prevent associated hair damage.

3. Embrace Deep Conditioning Treatments

Dry Hair Care In Summer

The summer elements can take a toll on your hair, leaving it feeling dry and damaged. To combat these effects, incorporating deep conditioning treatments into your weekly hair routine is essential. Deep conditioning treatments aid in replenishing moisture, revitalizing your hair's health, and restoring its vitality. Look for nourishing hair masks or deep conditioners that contain natural oils such as argan oil, coconut oil, or shea butter.

To know more about how to use hair conditioner and its top 7 types in hair routine, click here!

Hair masks are the saviour of hair in the intense summer heat. Summer hair masks help to keep your hair moisturized, grease-free and garden-fresh. Beat the heat with these best DIY summer hair masks:

Moisturizing Hair Mask

Eggs and curd DIY hair masks are best to repair damaged hair. Eggs are enriched with proteins which are essential for hair structure and firmness. On the other hand, curd for hair is a boon. It acts as a conditioner and strengthener for hair.

Whisk an egg and add ¼ cup curd to it. Now mix both ingredients well and start applying them to the hair and scalp. Leave for about 1 to 3 hours and rinse with normal or lukewarm water. Must apply hair growth serum afterwards.

Regular use of deep conditioning treatments during the summer months will leave your hair soft, manageable, and rejuvenated.

4. Emphasize Heat-Free Styling

During the summer season when your hair is already exposed to external stressors, it is important to note that heat styling tools can cause significant damage to your hair. Subjecting your hair to excessive heat can result in moisture depletion, weakening of the hair shaft, and increased susceptibility to breakage. Therefore, it is highly recommended to give your hair a break from heat styling and embrace your hair's natural texture.

This summer, opt for heat-free hairstyles such as loose waves, buns, or braids. By opting for these hairstyles, you not only shield your hair from heat-related harm but also enable it to maintain its natural moisture and resilience. If you need to dry your hair, use the cool setting on your blow dryer or allow it to air dry naturally to minimize heat exposure.

5. Gentle Detangling with Wide-Toothed Combs

Hair Combing For Hair Care

With the heat and humidity of summer, hair tangling can become a common problem. Tugging and pulling at tangled hair can cause breakage and damage. To avoid unnecessary hair loss and maintain the health of your locks, it is important to switch to a wide-toothed comb or a detangling brush when combing your hair.

These tools are designed to gently glide through your hair, minimizing tension and reducing the risk of breakage. Begin the process of detangling your hair by starting from the ends and progressively proceeding towards the roots, carefully and patiently untangling knots and snarls. By adopting this gentle detangling technique, you promote healthy hair growth and ensure that your hair appears smooth, shiny, and well-nourished.

6. Shield Your Hair from Saltwater and Chlorine

Summer Hair Care Routine

Whether you enjoy swimming in a pool or diving into the ocean, exposure to chlorine and saltwater can be detrimental to your hair. Chlorine has a drying effect, while saltwater can lead to dehydration and brittleness. To protect your hair from these harsh elements, it is advisable to take a few precautionary steps. Prior to swimming, wet your hair with fresh water as a protective measure, creating a protective shield that separates your hair from the effects of saltwater or chlorine.

Additionally, applying a leave-in conditioner or a protective oil before swimming can provide further protection by coating your hair and preventing the absorption of damaging substances. After your swimming session, it is essential to rinse your hair meticulously with fresh water to eliminate any lingering chlorine or saltwater residue. This simple post-swim routine will help safeguard your hair's health and keep it looking and feeling its best.

7. Avoid Chemical Treatments

Hair Treatments

While it may be tempting to experiment with chemical treatments such as perms, relaxers, or colorants during the summer, it is best to avoid them. The combination of heat and sun exposure can weaken your hair, making it more vulnerable to damage caused by these treatments.

It is advisable to postpone chemical treatments until after the summer season when your hair has had time to recover and strengthen. Instead, focus on nourishing and protecting your hair with natural treatments and gentle care methods that do not compromise its health and vitality.

8. Nourish Your Hair from Within

Healthy Diet For Hair Care

When it comes to hair care, nourishment starts from within. Maintaining a well-balanced and nourishing diet is crucial for promoting lustrous hair, particularly during the summer season. Including foods rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins into your meals can greatly benefit your hair's health. Essential vitamins like E, A, and C play a vital role in stimulating healthy hair growth and safeguarding it from oxidative stress.

Minerals like iron and zinc are crucial for maintaining the structure and strength of your hair. Additionally, proteins found in lean meats, eggs, legumes, and nuts provide the building blocks for strong and resilient hair. By nourishing your body with these essential nutrients, you provide your hair with the foundation it needs to grow, thrive, and maintain its natural beauty.

9. Relaxing Scalp Massages

Hair Massage For Hair Care

Taking a few moments each day to indulge in a relaxing scalp oil massage can do wonders for your hair's health. Incorporating scalp massages into your routine fosters hair growth and enhances blood circulation to the hair follicles. By gently massaging your scalp in circular motions using your fingertips, you enhance the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients to the hair roots.

The elevated blood flow nourishes the hair follicles, promoting robust growth and enhancing the overall health of your hair. In addition to the physical benefits, scalp massages also help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which further contributes to the health and well-being of your hair.

Unveil the 10 best hair growth oils for long and healthy hair.

Take Away

Maintaining a suitable hair care routine during the summer season is crucial for ensuring the health and revitalization of your hair. Remember to prioritize hydration, protect your hair from the sun, use gentle shampoos, condition regularly, and incorporate deep conditioning treatments. Don't forget to be mindful of your styling tools and techniques, and embrace protective hairstyles to minimize damage.

By adopting these simple yet effective tips, you can enjoy luscious and vibrant hair throughout the summer season. So, embrace these practices, pamper your hair, and revel in the beauty of your revitalized locks. Here's to a summer filled with fabulous, healthy hair!


Q. Should I oil my hair in summer?

Ans. A massage with natural oils which are lightweight can help to moisturize and nourish your hair. You can do hair oiling in summer, but remember to wash it after some time with a good shampoo.

Q. How to take care of your hair in hot weather?

  • Swap the mask with summer hair masks
  • Trim hair if necessary
  • Must use hair serum
  • Wash hair properly and on time
  • Don’t use a dirty comb
  • Use sun protection for hair
  • Keep yourself hydrated

Q. How can I hydrate my hair in summer?

Ans. By using a good nourishing condition, hair serum and summer hair masks, you can get back the natural moisturization of your hair.

Q. Is coconut oil good in summer?

Ans. Yes, coconut oil can be used in summer. But there is no need to apply this oil overnight. Keep this oil for about 2 to 3 hours in hair then rinse it off.

Q. How to take care of dry hair in summer?

Ans. To care for dry hair in summer:

  • Minimize Heat Styling: Limit use of curling irons, flat irons, and blow dryers.
  • Swim Protection: Wet hair before swimming and rinse thoroughly afterward.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water and use moisturizing hair products.
  • Regular Trimming: To promote healthy growth and eliminate split ends, trim your hair regularly.
  • Gentle Cleansing: Use sulfate-free shampoo and moisturizing conditioner.
  • Protect: Protect your hair from sun exposure by wearing hats or using sprays specifically designed to shield against harmful UV rays.

Following these steps will help maintain and nourish dry hair during the summer.

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