Sensitive Skin

Understand 4 sensitive skin types and ways to manage them

Every other person thinks that there is skin is sensitive but when asked most people out of ten, every seven people will say that they have sensitive skin. However, a lot of people need to learn about the several varieties of sensitive skin. It's important to address it to understand what you can do for your sensitive skin type.

In this Article

What is Sensitive Skin?

Understanding sensitive skin is difficult because it can appear in a variety of ways. When we say someone has sensitive skin, we mean their skin is a bit more delicate and tends to react more quickly and noticeably to things in the environment or certain products.

Imagine your skin is like a good friend who's easily upset or annoyed by specific triggers. For folks with sensitive skin, these triggers can cause things like redness, dryness, itching, or even a slight burning sensation. Their skin is saying, "Hold up, that's too much for me!"

Triggers for sensitive skin can be all sorts of things—like extreme weather, allergies to pollen or pet dander, or certain ingredients found in skincare products. Sometimes, these ingredients can be too harsh or irritating for sensitive skin.

What are the sensitive skin types?

Acne-Prone Sensitive

If your skin breaks out after applying any type of skin product, then this is you. Breakouts occur when your skin generates an excessive amount of thick, sticky oil, which causes dead skin cells to become trapped within the pore lining.

Because of the obstruction of oxygen flow through the pore, bacteria flourish here. There are 11 potential culprits for breakouts, ranging from hereditary predispositions to merely being in the wrong place at the wrong time, making it difficult to pinpoint the actual cause. Choose moderate, fragrance-free cleansers that are specially formulated for sensitive skin.

How to deal with it?

Use Gentle Cleansers:

Choose gentle, fragrance-free cleansers made especially for sensitive skin. Avoid harsh chemicals or exfoliants that can exacerbate sensitivity and cause more breakouts.



Choose Non-Comedogenic Products:

Choose Non-Comedogenic Products: Look for skincare and makeup products that aren't comedogenic, as these won't clog pores and exacerbate acne. Check labels to ensure they won't worsen your skin condition.

Learn some facts about non-comedogenic products

Moisturize Daily:

Use a light, oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturiser to nourish your skin without contributing to breakouts, even if you have oily or acne-prone skin.

Spot Treatments:

To combat acne, use spot treatments that contain chemicals like salicylic acid benzoyl peroxide, or tea tree oil. Apply them directly to affected areas, but be cautious to not overuse or excessively dry out your skin.

Sun Protection:

Use a non-greasy, high-SPF sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays. Even for skin that is delicate and prone to acne, sunscreen is a need.

2. Allergic-Prone Sensitive

When the immune system overreacts to a substance—whether it's internal or external, like a skincare product—that it views as hazardous, it results in an allergic reaction. This kind of sensitivity is something that anyone can have, regardless of skin type. The skin acts as the body's excretory system, eliminating toxins that the body cannot properly accept. As a result, skin manifestations of food allergies may arise in places like the mouth, neck, or face where food has come into touch with the skin.

It might be difficult to treat an allergic sensitivity because finding the underlying reason is so important. There needs to be some research done on this. It's crucial to look back on your previous activities because allergic reactions frequently appear 24–48 hours following exposure to an allergen. It's important to remember that a sudden reaction to skincare products that you've been using for a while is rare. So, take into account any recent changes you've made to your skincare regimen.

How to deal with it?

Crafting a skincare routine for individuals with allergy-prone, sensitive skin requires a cautious and gentle approach to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and irritation. Here's a suggested skincare routine tailored for such skin types:

Morning Routine:

a. Cleansing:

Gently cleanse your face with a mild, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic cleanser. Avoid excessive rubbing while using a soft towel to dry your skin.

b. Toner:

Spritz a hydrating mist or use a mild, alcohol-free toner infused with witch hazel or aloe vera chamomile to calm and moisturize your skin. Toners containing relaxing components like chamomile or aloe vera should be sought.

c. Serum:

Apply a lightweight, non-irritating serum that is formulated for sensitive skin. Serums containing moisturising and soothing components like hyaluronic acid or ceramides should be sought out.

d. Moisturizer:

Use a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free moisturiser to seal in moisture and keep your skin hydrated all day. Pick a moisturiser that is gentle enough for sensitive skin.

e. Sunscreen:

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) made especially for sensitive skin as your final step in the morning routine. Pick zinc oxide or titanium dioxide-based physical sunscreens.

Evening Routine:

a. Makeup Removal:

If you wear makeup, use a gentle, oil-based makeup remover to dissolve makeup and impurities without causing irritation.

b. Cleansing:

Cleanse your face with the same mild cleanser used in the morning to remove impurities and prepare your skin for nighttime treatments.

c. Treatment (as needed):

If you use any specialized treatment products for concerns like acne or fine lines, apply them according to the product instructions. Choose products suitable for sensitive skin.

d. Moisturizer:

Reapply a suitable moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and calm overnight.

e. Occasional Mask (weekly or as needed):

To give your skin an additional boost of hydration and comfort on a weekly basis, think about applying a mild, moisturising, or soothing mask.

3. Heat-Activate Sensitive Skin

Some people have skin that is sensitive to high temperatures. The cause of this is that heat causes the capillaries, which are tiny blood vessels lying just below the skin's surface, to experience an increase in blood flow. The skin appears reddish when these capillaries enlarge or dilate, becoming more noticeable. The capillaries contract or narrow as the skin's internal temperature drops, reducing the redness. It is best to avoid this constant expansion and constriction because it may cause capillaries to become permanently swollen and remain clearly conspicuous on the skin's surface. People who struggle with rosacea are more likely to develop increased sensitivity in response to heat.

How to deal with it?

Here's a simplified one-time skincare routine suitable for heat-activated sensitive skin:

Cooling Cleanse:

Gently cleanse your face using a mild, fragrance-free cleanser with lukewarm water. Dry off your skin using a gentle towel.

Cooling Face Mist:

Spritz your face with a soothing and cooling facial mist containing ingredients like cucumber or aloe vera to calm and refresh your skin.

Hydrating Serum:

Applying a moisturising serum with components like hyaluronic acid will help your skin retain moisture and have a calming impact.

Gentle Moisturizer:

Apply a non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic moisturizer with a lightweight texture to keep your skin hydrated and calm.

Sun Protection (if daytime):

If you're going outside during the day, apply a mineral-based sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to shield your skin from UV rays and heat exposure.

4. Dry Sensitive Skin

A delicate or impaired moisture barrier is the primary factor behind nearly all cases of dryness or dehydration-related sensitivity. When the skin's moisture barrier is compromised, tiny fissures develop. These fissures permit moisture to leak out and irritants to infiltrate the skin. Consequently, this can occasionally result in a burning or stinging sensation, indicating an inflammatory response to a topical application on the skin.

How to deal with it?

Gentle Cleanse:

Gently cleanse your face using a mild, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic cleanser. Use warm water and a gentle cloth to pat your skin dry.

Hydrating Mist or Toner:

Spritz a hydrating mist or gently apply an alcohol-free toner infused with aloe vera or chamomile to calm and moisturize your skin.

Hydrating Serum:

Apply a hydrating serum enriched with components like hyaluronic acid to retain moisture and give your skin an added hydration boost.

Rich Moisturizer:

Use a hydrator that is rich, nourishing, and designed especially for dry, sensitive skin. To effectively hydrate and safeguard your skin, look for a product that has nutrients like ceramides, shea butter, or glycerin.

Sun Protection (if daytime):

If you're going outside during the day, apply a moisturizing sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin from UV rays. Choose a sunscreen that is suitable for sensitive skin.

Take Aways

Sensitive skin comes in different types, each requiring specific care. Acne-prone sensitive skin benefits from gentle, non-comedogenic products. For allergic-prone sensitive skin, a careful skincare routine with hypoallergenic products is essential. Heat-activated sensitive skin necessitates cooling and hydrating products to mitigate redness. Dry sensitive skin thrives with gentle cleansing, hydrating serums, and rich moisturizers. Tailoring skincare to these sensitive skin types ensures a balanced approach for a healthier complexion.


Q. What is sensitive skin?

Ans. The term "sensitive skin" describes a condition in which the skin is readily irritated or reacts unfavourably to numerous substances or environmental conditions, causing discomfort, redness, dryness, or itching. Causes include a compromised skin barrier, allergies, environmental elements, genetics, underlying skin conditions, and hormonal changes. Individuals with sensitive skin must choose products and environments carefully to minimise adverse reactions.

Q. Which sunscreen is best for sensitive skin?

Ans. The best sunscreen for sensitive skin is typically hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, and oil-free. Mineral sunscreens that contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide are mild and offer a broad-spectrum defence. The risk of irritation can be reduced by using fewer substances. Patch testing new products is advisable, and consulting a dermatologist can help find a suitable sunscreen for individual skin needs.

Q. How to treat sensitive skin on face?

Ans. To treat sensitive skin on the face, start by using gentle, fragrance-free skincare products. Opt for hypoallergenic cleansers and moisturizers. Avoid hot water and harsh scrubs. Apply a soothing, non-comedogenic sunscreen daily. Test new products in a small area to check for reactions. Consult a dermatologist for individualised advice and potential medical treatments if irritation occurs.

Q. What is a sensitive skin type?

Ans. Sensitive skin is a skin type distinguished by increased responsiveness to numerous chemicals or environmental influences. When sensitive skin is exposed to irritants like particular skincare products, scents, weather, or materials, it may suffer pain, redness, itching, dryness, or a burning sensation. This skin type requires gentle and non-irritating skincare products to maintain a healthy and balanced complexion.

Q. Which facial is best for sensitive skin?

Ans. For sensitive skin, opt for gentle and hydrating facials like calming or soothing facials, hydrating facials, oxygen facials, hyaluronic acid facials, aloe vera facials, and non-abrasive exfoliating facials. Cold stone facials can also help reduce redness and inflammation. Communicate your skin sensitivity to the esthetician, and consider patch testing before any facial treatment for safety and suitability.

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