Combination Skin

What is the best skin care routine for combination skin? Top 5 tips to manage it

Finding the right skin care routine for combination skin might be challenging. Whether you cleanse your face every night, you discover a new breakout when you wake up. Regardless of how much moisturizer you apply; your skin may be constantly dry. That's because there are many more skin types than just oily and dry.

If you are confused about your skin type, if its oily or dry, then you might have combination skin. Read to know a little more about combination skin…

Combination skin is oily in some places and dry in the others. For example, it’s common to have an oily T-zone and dry cheeks. The oily T-zone can be acne-prone and have enlarged visible pores. You may also experience dull, dry, and flaky cheeks.

Combination skin is generally hereditary; but it can alter in response to seasonal and hormonal changes. Due to hormonal changes, aging skin may become drier and less greasy. Periods and contraception are two additional hormone-driven elements that might alter the appearance of the skin.

Combination Skin Type

In case you have combination skin, these are some things you will notice:

  • Some parts of your face become oily while other areas remain normal after washing your face
  • Your nose has noticeable enlarged skin pores
  • Your T-zone feels fine after using an oily skin moisturizer, but your cheeks remain dry Your cheeks are fine when you apply a moisturizer for dry skin, but T-zone is now greasy
  • Weather's impact on T-zone behavior: For instance, your T-zone becomes glossy and oily more quickly in hot and humid weather. However, it takes longer to become shiny and greasy when the weather is chilly
  • Both breakouts and dry patches or dry spots appear on your face at the same time

Skincare Steps for Combination Skin…

Choosing The Products Wisely…

Just like dry and oily skin, combination skin type is also very common. It might sound difficult to craft a skin care routine for combination skin, choosing the products that minimize oil production while hydrating the skin can make the process easier.

Skin Care Routine For Combination Skin

  • Mild Face wash or Cleanser for cleaning the skin

A cleanser that removes impurities and extra oil without removing your skin's natural hydration is what you want to use. It is advised to use a mild foaming product that leaves the skin feeling lightly scrubbed.

The use of ever-so-popular vitamin C with fruit AHA can remove excess oil from the face without drying out the skin. It helps to eliminate debris and pollutants from the skin making the skin healthy and refreshed

Salicylic acid, most extensively used beta hydroxy acid used in skin care products which controls oil production and helps in clearing pores. It also functions as a light exfoliator for improving dull and uneven skin.

Avoid using hot water while washing your face because it might dry out the skin and make irritation worse. To reduce dryness and maintain the healthiest possible appearance for your skin, wash your face with lukewarm water instead.

  • Toner to calm the skin

Your skin requires a calming, hydrating, and non-irritating toner right after cleansing. For keeping your skin nourished and non-oily at the same time, the ideal toner for combination skin must have antioxidants and good quality skin-replenishing elements. It shouldn't be drying either.

Every time you wash your face, use a toner afterwards. Put a small quantity in your palm and use it to gently pat your face and neck. This aids in the improved absorption of the compound.

  • Moisturizer to nourish the skin and lock in moisture from inside-out

Moisturizing is one of the most critical step, and it could be where you make the most changes. Select creamy moisturizer for dry areas of your skin and a lighter water-based moisturizer for oily areas. Hyaluronic acid is the best skin hydrator because it moisturizes without aggravating oiliness.

Combination skin type is difficult to moisturize as you require a product that is rich enough to relieve dryness while also being light enough to not clog greasy areas.

Remember to cover your skin properly while using the moisturizer. Always keep blotting paper with you if your face produces extra oil.

  • Sunscreen- Coz it is ‘must’ for everyone!

A healthiest way to protect your skin is to apply an adequate layer of a good sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater every day. Excessive exposure to sunlight without wearing a good sunscreen can harm skin, resulting in wrinkles and other ageing signs and cause excessive dryness.

Choose a daily sunscreen with SPF 50 and anti-aging qualities, to streamline your skincare regimen and protect against photo-damage. Sunscreens with broad spectrum and rich in antioxidants can prevent free radical oxidative damage to the skin plus they are suitable for oily and acne-prone skin.

Do’s and Don't While Taking Care of Your Combination Skin

  • Stop touching your face
  • Never forget to put a sunscreen
  • Choose fragrance-free skin care products
  • Avoid Parabens, Polyethene Glycol, Ethanolamines, Aluminium containing products
  • Remember to be gentle and not rub your face harshly
  • Use blotting paper when you feel excess oil
  • Remember to exfoliate gently once a week


Combination skin means having dry and oily patches of skin. Combination skin often necessitates the use of various products on oily and dry areas of your face. Maintaining a balance can be achieved by using hydrating ingredients that do not leave your skin greasy.

If you want to keep your skin care regimen simple, opt for a gentle cleanser, hydrating moisturizer, and a good SPF sunblock. Taking care of your skin depending on your skin’s needs can go a long way in making it healthy and nourished.


Q. What are daily products recommendations for combination skin?

The use of right products for your combination skin can make the skin healthy and well balanced. These include:

  • Face wash with fruit AHA
  • Blotting pads
  • Water-based face moisturizers
  • Sunscreen with SPF 30 or more

Q. What to avoid for combination skin?

Any product containing irritating ingredients such as alcohol, fragrance or harsh chemicals can irritate your skin. Dry parts become drier, while oily areas may produce more oil, possibly resulting in breakouts.

Q. Is vitamin C beneficial to combination skin?

Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, vitamin C is effective for skin health, that keeps skin youthful for a longer period of time. Vitamin C can be used for skin care in two ways: nutritionally and topically.

Q. Is hyaluronic acid beneficial to combination skin?

Hyaluronic Acid can moisturize even the driest skin and is suitable for both combination and oily skin types. Hyaluronic acid absorbs quickly into the skin, resulting in less product waste.

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